Transparency in a World That Tries to Silence You

Can we talk about transparency for a minute?

Gosh this is a tricky word or rather a tricky concept.

There are usually two scenarios in those who really struggle with their mental health. One are the people that are open and vulnerable and share their struggles with friends, family, social media, and even strangers. The second are the people who try to hide it, to keep it in, to keep going looking as normal as possible, and never letting anyone know that are fighting a raging mental battle. Now, yes there are lots of variations and combinations of the two scenarios I just described and truthfully most people are a mix of the two, but they at least tend to lean strongly one way or the other.

The people that lean toward the first scenario are often labeled “needy”, “attention seeking”, “dramatic”, “weak”, “negative” etc.

The people in the second scenario are often labeled “strong”, “positive”, “normal” etc.

Here’s the problem. No matter what we do, we can’t make everyone happy. As you can tell from my blog and mental health advocacy, I lean strongly to the “bare it all” side of the road but I do believe there should still be a bit of balance.

I had someone who reached out to me privately to ask for some advice based on my experience in the mental illness fight. I know this person has struggled a great deal with mental illness and after talking to them more, it was apparent that it was a far greater struggle than I had known. To look at this person’s social media and life you would really think they had it all handled and here’s the tricky part, this person even shared about some struggles publicly (but only rarely and certainly not even close to sharing the extent of the problems they are facing). I was saddened that even I, a fellow mental illness sufferer couldn’t see through the “good”.

The problem with this is that there is a difficult line to find between putting up healthy boundaries by protecting your privacy and not airing your dirty laundry,  and putting up a false front by coming across as okay through fake vulnerability (sharing only the smallest bit of struggle to get you some support but not enough to make anyone uncomfortable or be labeled “needy”). Now, I know some people are embarrassed or don’t share just because they think sharing openly is unnecessary, but I do know this, if I hadn’t been sharing openly, not only would I feel completely stifled trying to fake my way through life surrounded by fake “friends”, but I wouldn’t have been accessible for the multiple questions I get about treatment and getting help because no one would know they could come to me. Because I share openly, people know I’m not uncomfortable talking about mental health and they can be vulnerable with me! There is nothing more rewarding for me in this journey then helping someone else, it really gives my suffering purpose!

If you are suffering and fighting in silence, I don’t blame you in the least, in fact there are a lot of times I wish I could go back and undo all my openness, because to be quite frank, as maddening as it is, I would have so much more “support” if my story wasn’t so “messy and complicated”. But every time I get to help a fellow mental illness sufferer or every time I get a true friend, I realize that as hard as this road of vulnerability is, it’s worth it.

I’ve written about suicide a few times before, but If somebody takes their own life or decides to tell their story years after the severe struggle, the response will be what it always is “Why didn’t they ask for help?”,  ” I had no idea they were struggling”, “they hid it so well”… etc. This makes me crazy! Not only is that shaming someone for being sick, but they are also taking the guilt off of their own shoulders (for not accepting mental illness) and placing it on the person that was only in that position of isolation because they where trying to make society as a whole comfortable by not talking about it! Seriously, you talk about your mental illness, you’re “labeled” and if you don’t talk about it you “should have”. There is no winning.

Look, as a mental health advocate I encourage openness but I can not and will not say it is the easy road. And all those people who make those ignorant comments after someone is gone… they actually aren’t there when you “ask for help”, their behavior doesn’t change when they “know you are struggling” (unless you consider distancing themselves from you as change, that they will do). It’s pathetic. Why would someone want to be open about their struggles when all it gets them is isolation, being misunderstood, and a label of “attention seeking”, “negative”,  “needy”, “dramatic” or “weak”?

I totally get the appeal of only sharing the smallest part of your struggle so as not to scare away the friends you do have. But once you start to really share the hardest parts of your mental illness it’s only the fake ones who fade away. The true friends will lean in and learn to understand. They will be the ones to come in and lift you up.

You don’t have to share your story, but man, I’m passionate about it. I know so many people are suffering in silence and if we all share our lives and our stories, maybe someday society will change, maybe we can make a positive difference for those who come behind us. Our children and grandchildren may grow up in a world where a mental illness is respected, treated, and supported instead of hushed, mocked, and ignored!

I’m not saying you can’t still be lighthearted and have fun with your friends and family. Please do! People need to see that mental illness doesn’t have a “face” that you can laugh and have fun and then be suicidal and crippled by anxiety later the same day! They need to see the “downs” too, not just the “ups”. You don’t have to tell the whole world, you don’t have to be a public mental health advocate to change the world, just start with your circle. Challenge yourself to be uncomfortable enough to be vulnerable. I strongly suggest that you find an amazing therapist to be a consistent stable support system for you during your mental health journey. Not only will it help you grow and develop healthy tools to fight the darkness, but it will also help you when you feel rejected from people you thought would be there for you that disappear when you are honest.

I’m also not saying that you have to share everything with everybody. There are a lot of things about me that you all don’t know. Things that are personal that aren’t relevant to my advocacy. There are things you should keep private that only need to be discussed with a therapist or a close safe circle. Those aren’t the things I’m talking about. But if you are struggling deeply and you feel like you can’t say anything because it will make the people around you uncomfortable…share it. It’s okay to be uncomfortable. That’s vulnerability, that’s working toward finding who your true friends are and working toward changing the world for a better future.

Keep Fighting,


New Year

Man, the “New Year” is always a hard time for me. Well, holidays in general are always a hard time for me. Some of it, is that my depression worsens around things that are supposed to be joyful. But mostly, I always wonder if it’s the last year I’ll have with terminally ill daughter.

As I reflect back over the last year and over the last several years I am overcome with pain and sorrow for all that we’ve endured. I know people say to think positive, to look at the good not the bad, and while that’s good advice, sometimes the reality is that there is way more hard than there is good. I’m not saying this for self-pity or even for your pity, but more just as a reflection and acknowledgment that it’s okay to struggle.

Good things can happen in the midst of sorrow and in the midst of hard and it’s important to recognize those good things, to hold onto those good things, to remember those good things. But it’s also okay to acknowledge the big, the hard, the heartbreaking, the losses, the struggles, etc. You see with so much illness- chronic, mental, emotional, physical, there is a deep isolation, a lack of understanding. Not because people don’t care, but because they just can’t understand what they have not lived.

I am lucky enough to have a few really great people in my life, number one being my amazing husband, number two my family, they are learning more about me and I feel closer than I’ve ever felt to them before, not to mention they really showed up for me this last year at a time when I needed them the most. But it also hurts to have lost so much on this journey. So many people just don’t understand, either they don’t want to, or they can’t, people who burn out, people who walk away, people who question the “realness” and the “gravity” of what we face, and it stings to my core.

This last year one of my closest “friends” called me up out of the blue one afternoon and accused my husband of stealing over 20 thousand dollars from them during a construction project he helped them with over 3 years ago. She was so angry she said she didn’t even want to discuss it and that they had already contacted a lawyer and they were planning to take legal action. I’m not sure there is a word or even a phrase to describe the complete shock and hurt I felt. We went through every last shred of paperwork we could find from the job to find what they could possibly be misunderstanding but we couldn’t find anything. Now here’s the thing. This job did go bad, I mean everything that could go wrong did go wrong, but never once was anything dishonest or shady on our part. We told them what was happening every step of the way. In fact, by the time the job was finished we didn’t get paid a single penny because even though we had done about $40,000 worth of work and we had put in over $11,000 of our own cash (that we didn’t have to spare!). We had sunk it all into the job to do our best by them, to be the people of integrity that we are. The thing that’s even more ridiculous is that all of this happened and they pretended that everything between us was fine FOR 3 YEARS! I’m talking lunches, hang outs, pool nights, birthday party’s, football games… I had never so much as had a tense conversation or confrontation with this friend and we were really close! Finally, after multiple threats that they would sue us and ruin us we talked to a lawyer, we knew we were innocent but had never had anything like this happen before so we needed guidance. He told us that not only were we innocent but if anything they would owe us money. He suggested we try to settle it out of court to save money, because even if you’re innocent you have to pay lawyer and court fees. So we asked if they would talk with a mediator, he yelled and complained and threatened some more before saying he would think about it. He agreed and someone we both trust found us a lawyer to work with. We contacted the lawyer and our “friends” never contacted us again. We don’t know if we’ve heard the last of them, but we suspect they finally realized that they made a mistake and don’t want to admit it to us or be found out in court. I tried reaching out once via a simple card, but it was not answered, so now I’m trying to find a way to move forward, to accept what I can not change, to let go of the injustice that we have faced. It’s been over 8 months since this traumatic, emotional, tsunami and the damage it has left in the aftermath has been devastating. Not only were we completely caught off guard, but the accusations are so far from the truth that if it wasn’t so painful it would be laughable. Now I’ve not only lost one of my closest friends of 10 years but we’ve also lost our mutual friends who I don’t get to see anymore. And because they are holding the lawsuit card we have to suffer in silence as they go on living these lies. The emotional stress set me back severely in my mental health and my physical health. I’m not sure I have ever felt so alone in my entire life. To lose about half of my “friends” ( you don’t have many when you’ve been sick for 9+ years) over complete lies and not a single one contacts you to even see if it’s true. It is devastating, absolutely devastating.

So this year beat me up and left me limping, but so have the last 9 years. Some people might say I’m negative when I don’t look forward to the “New Year”, but the truth is I’m not strong enough to look forward to a whole year. Maybe because they have all been “more than normal, exceptionally difficult”, but mostly I think it’s because I live a hard life. It’s okay to acknowledge a hard life. Yes, there will always be someone who has a harder life, but it’s okay to feel sadness over your own hard. It’s true, life isn’t fair. So just as I’ve done so many times before, I’m going to follow my mom’s sound advice and instead of looking forward a year I’m going to look forward one day, one hour, one minute, or even one tiny second at a time. Whatever I can handle. And I’m going to celebrate the good and I’m going to allow myself to grieve over the bad. I have no reason to believe that this year will be any kinder than the last 9+ brutal years, but I do know I can make it for each next second and so that is what I will focus on.

Keep Fighting,


Life Recap

ERP or “Exposure Response Prevention” is changing my life! It is the best OCD treatment I’ve ever had! TMS “Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation” is also a part of my regular treatment regimen and it has just been FDA approved to help treat OCD so it is a win win win win for me, hitting my depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD all in one treatment with little to no risk of side effects! It’s still far from where it needs to be, but definitely seems to be moving in the right direction!

I’ve just started seeing a new doctor…yet again, which means a lot of new tests will be run over the next few weeks. If I had a dollar for every doctor, stranger, or even a friend that has described the last 9 years or our lives as a “living hell” I’d be a rich woman. But I will continue to seek out answers and healing because my life is worth the fight.

Hey you, yes you, your life is worth the fight too. Just in case you needed to remember that today.

I’ve battled so many illnesses, severe treatment resistant depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, multiple chronic illnesses, fibromyalgia, POTS, IBS, acid reflux, central sensitization disorder, multiple physical deformities and disabilities, faced terminal diagnosis of my closest of the close, lost 2 dear friends to suicide, lost one of my best friends to a manipulator, over 10 surgical procedures in my family and under anesthesia way more times than that, too many hospital stays, more doctor visits than I can count… literally hundreds (thousands?), 4 states of doctors, specialists, tests, and treatments, multiple rounds of physical therapy, years of counseling, sepsis, syncope, pneumonia, colon biopsy, hormonal imbalances, a ton of CT scans and MRIs, so much nausea and vomiting, spinal tap, spinal fluid leak, blood patch, EMG test, needle muscle biopsy, heart condition(s), constant headaches, EEGs, endometriosis, malnourishment, pic line and TPN, low blood sugar, restless and nightmare filled sleep every single night, 6 Ketamine treatments, 14 rounds of ECT, many ER visits, over 100 TMS sessions, biofeedback training, fighting to gain weight, slurred speech, loss of leg function, bed and wheelchair bound, Iron infusions, swollen stomach, swollen legs, swollen feet, body pain from head to toe, chronic fevers, so many meds, so many side effects, so many unanswered questions and so many unsolved problems. I could probably go on, but I think you get the idea.

Yet, here I am, 9 years later. Still fighting for my life. I’d be lying if I said it’s just because I’m too strong to give up. I have, on multiple occasions, begged God through sobs to just make my heart stop beating. I’ve said “I can’t do this” a million times. But I will never take my own life. I’ve seen and first hand experienced the pain it drenches those closest to the one lost in. So as long as my heart is beating I have no choice but to keep living. Because no matter how hard it gets, my lungs keep filling and emptying (even if only at 75% function) and my heart keeps pumping (even if it’s two sizes too small and functioning similar to a person in heart failure). I’m not fighting just for me, but I’m fighting for all the people who love me, I’m fighting for all the people who will hear or read my story and perhaps find the strength they need to also keep fighting. This life is so very isolating, but I see you. I’m with you. I’m for you. Don’t quit my friend, look how amazingly far you have come!

And maybe just maybe you will eventually come to a place where you dare to dream again. Where you dare to believe you have a future of more than pain, doctors, and mere survival. I’m getting there. It’s been a long 9 years, and it’s not even close to being over, but I’m starting to hope for a future that is more, where my life and this journey has purpose. Starting with you. Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you feel loved here.


Can we talk about something taboo? Can we talk suicide for a bit?

Recently the media has been flooded by two high-profile suicides. It’s absolutely devastating that these lives were lost and it’s also tragic that approximately 3000 people in the world die by suicide every single day. EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

This is not okay! Something has to change!

After the media coverage, every social media platform was filled with heartfelt tributes and suicide hotline numbers and things like “just ask for help” “just tell someone” “Anybody can call me anytime” etc…

Here’s the thing, and I say this believing that the people saying these things mean well they just don’t know better, but these words you are typing on your social media are not the answer. Words do not equal actions. Actions are what save lives. Don’t say “I’ll be there when you call” because they aren’t going to call. You just have to be there without them having to call. You should know that for the people who battle years of severe mental illness, their “friends” will slowly disappear. I get it, it’s really really really hard to be friends and stay close to someone who you can’t understand, who isolates, who pushes you away etc.

The thing is, they need you. They desperately need you.

I want you to know that there are a LOT of little things that lead up to a person making such a big choice such as taking their own life and if you aren’t there in the trenches with them during the battle then you certainly won’t be the one they count on in the end.

I say this with the utmost respect for those of you who have stood by and held up the broken and the hurting who have chosen to take their life despite your faithfulness to stand with them. I support you in your grief and I thank you for your steadfastness. Ultimately only the person committing suicide is responsible for his or her choice.

I just feel, as a person who struggles with severe mental illness (who has at times been suicidal), and who has experienced suicide of close friends, it is my job to remind you that it takes action! It takes being there for years and it’s not just you riding in on a white horse to save the day because you sent a text once every few months saying “hey text me if you need anything”. It just isn’t enough.

So if you really want to make a difference then jump in with both feet for the long haul with the people close to you fighting mental illness. Don’t post a Facebook status or a tweet to ease your conscience and make you feel like you did your part. I’m sorry, but that isn’t enough.

Know better, do better!

This is not just a trend that you jump on board with while it’s circulating through the news or trending on twitter.

It is literally life and death.

Keep Fighting,


We Won’t Quit

I’ve been absent for a while. I just haven’t had the motivation to write. Feeling a bit confused and frustrated.

I hate mental illness and what it does to those of us that suffer and to those who love us.

At this moment I am sitting in my bed in complete agony over a trigger for my OCD/PTSD. Just a simple comment that my body reacted to and instantly I was flooded with thoughts from a past bad experience, drenched in false guilt and my body was covered in sweat as my heart raced and the pit in my stomach got even deeper. Now I’m literally a mess just trying to breathe and live.

This happens on a regular basis and it is absolutely the worst feeling I have ever had in my entire life. The severity varies and the length varies, but it is literally something I deal with of my life.

I’m tired and I’m weak. I feel like I’m going to vomit.

This is true OCD.

If only it was just wanting an organized pantry…

Misconceptions about mental illness doesn’t make me angry (maybe because I used to be one of them?), but they do make me more passionate about spreading awareness.

*Deep Breath*

This is so very very very hard. I don’t know how I’m supposed to do this over and over. Why do our brains not believe us? How can I know the truth and yet feel like it is a lie. How can my body betray me. This is so confusing and frustrating. I just want to be well.

If you struggle with intrusive repetitive thoughts and PTSD/OCD triggered anxiety attacks you know what I’m talking about. We tear ourselves up with hate filled words, with guilt filled thoughts, we remember every mistake we ever made and replay it only we make it even worse in our heads than it actually was. We confess as a ritual to try to stop the guilt, it may help for a while, but it always flares up again, and again, and again.

I’m so tired.

*Deep Breath*

We don’t give up. We have to keep fighting. We face the battle that feels even bigger than impossible and we choose to believe we are more than this feeling. We are more than this illness. We are more than the lies screaming in our heads. We are not our past. We will not surrender. We will not lay down and quit. We will get knocked down and then we will breathe deep, look our fears dead in the eyes, and say, “You will not win!”. We get back up. We keep going. Over and over and over again. We will not be imprisoned by the monster inside our heads. We will do the things it tells us we can’t. We will do the things it says we should fear. We will engage in conversations that may trigger the sleeping beast. We will be venerable to those around us when we need help. We will give ourselves grace when we are weak. We will give ourselves kind words when all we feel and hear are hatred. We will speak truth even when our whole bodies tell us it is a lie. And we will drag our broken and bleeding bodies over glass and hot coals to reach the finish line because we have a purpose and we will not quit because people fighting mental illness are quite possibly the strongest people on the planet!

Keep Fighting,



Knowledge is Power

Y’all, This week has been a challenge. I mean, that sounds weird to say that because I can’t recall a time in the last 15 years that wasn’t a challenging week, but this week my OCD flared up REALLY bad on Wednesday. When you deal with something like OCD everyday you sometimes forget the intensity of it when it’s at its peak.

Guys, it was so bad I called like 5 random therapists/ psychologists I found on google that are in my area trying to find someone to see me that day. Luckily I found a lady who called me back and could see me right away. She was nice and had a pretty decent knowledge of OCD (why is that usually hard to find??).

Anyway, she said something that was SO helpful to me and I have to share it with you all. She said “OCD is misplaced anxiety.” She said she feels like most of my OCD is based on a real fear that I face daily and that I’m subconsciously trying to hurt myself to avoid the real pain that I have to carry. I REALLY think she is on to something! I have been trying to examine my OCD and the times it flares up and I definitely see a pattern. In a OCD world where nothing makes sense and everything is confusing, this little piece of hope in understanding my brain better was such a welcome gift!!

The last few days when I feel the OCD I say to myself “this is just misplaced anxiety” and I relax my tensed muscles and exhale. I recognize and acknowledge the anxiety that I carry (even if I don’t feel like it is a particularly high anxiety time at that moment I’ve learned that it can still effect me.) Then I try to continue whatever I’m doing as normally as I can. So far it has been a wonderful tool to add to my toolbox of things to fight my OCD!

I so hope this helps you too!!


Keep Fighting,


OCD battles

I struggle with several things and it’s super rare for all of the things to be going well at the same time. I’m always struggling with something and usually multiple things at once.

My fibromyalgia has been angry pretty much everyday as of late and I’m on my period.

My cycles kill.

I mean we have discussed me having a full hysterectomy many times, but due to my fragile mental state, we, and the doctors agree it’s just too risky right now.

That being said, it causes so much pain, to the point of tears at times, and I’m unable to do anything other than lay in bed with a heating pad for at least 2 days (although the bleeding usually lasts 10 days).

Side note – I laugh at the people who are all like “women shouldn’t be ashamed to free bleed.” I’m all like, Girl, I not ashamed, in fact I’m a classic over-sharer, but if I was to “free bleed” as they say we “should” as “proud women” it would look like a freaking blood bath! So. Much. Blood. Not to mention everything I own would be stained in blood. Um. No thanks.

While all that is painful, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it a million times more.

Mental pain is far greater than physical pain.

Today I woke up feeling okay mentally, but as the day has continued my mental state has dramatically declined.

It comes out of nowhere.

Sometimes there is a trigger and the rush of OCD is intense and overwhelming. Other times, it’s more subtle and I find myself fighting thoughts and then they just become stronger and more frequent until I’m full on high alert, survival, fight mode.

I was sitting, listening to some of my favorite music and doing some art work. I took a break and ate a sandwich. I went back to my art and all of the sudden I realized that gradually my mood had shifted and my thoughts were scaring me (they weren’t bad  thoughts, but they were traumatizing me with false guilt and fear of feeling the OCD), I realized I was quite shaky inside. My body was hurting and I was shutting down. I knew it was time to accept the flare and let it run its course.

There was no trigger. I did nothing wrong. I wasn’t in danger, yet my body or rather my mind turned on me and attacked. I was helpless to stop it.

I decided to turn to writing this out for you to help get me through this flare up.

I am not able to do anything to forget that I’m having these thoughts and feelings until it passes, but I can speak truth in the midst of it until I can feel them as true for myself again.

While we may not be able to control what’s going on inside our minds as much as we would like, we are NOT helpless. We CAN control how we fight through the battle.

I’m struggling. I’m tired. I’m worn. And truthfully I’m so over it.

I just want these nasty flares to go away and never return.

But that’s not my reality.

I will most likely fight most of these battles to some degree for the remainder of my life and I’m trying to be okay with that.

But today, right now, I just have to fight one minute at a time.

Keep Fighting,


A Roller Coaster You Didn’t Ask to Ride.

How does one go from walking 2 1/2 miles one day to a few days later not being able to dress herself or communicate and needing a wheelchair?
A horrible accident? a surgery? A terrible injury?
Can I just say going from such a high to such a low is really hard. But I have been dealing with some pretty big things in my personal life that can help explain the low I found myself in, and I have learned through many many many years of experience, this too will pass.
I just need to get through the day, and as my mom always said, “just take it an hour at a time and if that’s too much, take it a minute at a time, and if that’s still too much take it one second at a time.”
On those dreadful days I take it one second at a time.
I told my husband earlier today, when we were discussing my crash that happened yesterday, I literally felt like a tiny miniature version of myself was trapped inside a sound proof prison cell deep inside my body screaming “HELP ME!” and no one could hear me because my body lay there limp and unable to speak. As we discussed our different perspectives on the situation we had walked through many times before, we talked again about the do’s and don’ts for what I need in that moment.
Tough love is a no.
Trust me, in those moments the last thing that is beneficial is someone trying to “shame” or “scold” me into just doing it. Just talking, just getting dressed, just getting some fresh air.
Close contact and eye contact is a yes.
I need to feel life from you, because I’m feeling really numb (at least on the outside. Inside I’m screaming and shouting at myself to pull it together and snap out of it). I need to hear words of affirmation because I feel like a dead weight. I need to see care and calm in your eyes. I need you to reassure me that what I’m feeling will pass, that you understand that I’m doing my best, that you are staying with me and that you love me.
And if all that fails throw a (clean!) pair of undies on your head and run around the room like a crazy man! Anything to make me feel something and to make the pain less intense.
I think communicating to your spouse/friends/family what works best for you while you are in a crash, after you have recently had one, is really beneficial for the next time it happens. They aren’t mind readers and we can’t talk, so both sides need to give grace for shortcomings, but communicating about it is certainly a step in the right direction!
Another thing I’ve learned over the years is to be patient with myself on bad days. When we feel that darkness overtaking our minds and bodies our initial and natural response is to tense up, fight it, panic, fear it… But what we need to do is take a slow deep breath and speak some truths to our brain before it takes over completely to the point where truth and lies start to get mixed up. I also like to tell my husband something like ” hey, just so you know I’m feeling really bad and my depression (or anxiety or whatever I’m dealing with at the time) is really flaring up. I’m going to probably need you to be extra sensitive” or “I might be extra tense” or “I need some alone time”.
Another thing that helps sometimes, depending on the severity and what I’m dealing with, is using multiple senses. For example, playing a card game while eating a snack. One without the other isn’t enough. Now, can I be real? The last thing I usually want to do when I am feeling mental torment is to play a game or eat, but my husband usually talks me into it and it does help some of the time. It’s not like I’m enjoying the game or the snack, but I’m just using it to pass the time and to turn off some of the over reactive senses.
The point is, sometimes we have to go against what feels like a natural response and learn new, healthier habits to enforce when our bodies and brains betray us. And sometimes there is absolutely nothing in the world that you can do to stop it, even if you do everything right. So give yourself a break from the condescending, self-doubt and dish yourself up a nice heaping bowl of grace with whipped cream on top. You and I are doing the best we can and you are not alone in this fight! If it’s one of your hard days just take it one second at a time. You can fight for one more second. You’ve got this!
Keep Fighting,


Music is such a gift to my soul.

Whether it’s worship music or love songs, opera (on rare occasion), or happy up beat pop.
Music finds a way deep into my being.
It’s like if you mute a movie during a scary part, it’s suddenly less scary. If you mute it during a romantic seen, the romance goes away.
If you’re having a slow day, put on an upbeat song and you’ll get a little pep in your step. If your feeling sad, turn on a slow, deep, song and cry your eyes out until you feel better.
Music is powerful.
I use it as a type of therapy.
I love to listen to it and sing along with it. I love the chills and the emotion it evokes in me.
I also write songs.
I hope that one day they will be able to be shared with other chronic illness fighters and I hope they bring them the same comfort and move them as deeply as some of my favorite artists and songs have me!
This week has been a little hard, I had to go in for my TMS and my OCD has made its self very known, in fact it was so bad I was using music to help which led to this post.
My fibromyalgia has also been an unwelcome guest and with the rain moving in my body is in rebellion.

So carry on fellow fighters and maybe find some time to listen to your favorite music and let it sink deep into your soul!

Keep Fighting,




My fibromyalgia has been so bad the last few days, keeping me awake and just throbbing.

It’s really discouraging because usually it flares up most when the weather is changing, but here lately even with the stable weather it has been really painful.

Stress is also a cause of a flare ups, and my stress level has been quite high! We have only a few weeks to find a place to live and we just started going to a small group type thing on Thursday nights and I’m dreading it.

I mean, I want to want to go, but I don’t. My anxiety and depression really want me to stay in. Plus the threat of getting the flu with this awful epidemic scares me to death! I do not have a healthy immune system and the last thing I want is to give any germs to my daughter!

It’s hard to live life when you are physically and mentally disabled.

The truth is, we all face difficulties. We can’t choose our battles, we just have to live with them.

Accepting and not fighting it helps.

Just the other day we were having a family day that ended abruptly due to an intense OCD attack. I was so upset and felt terrible about it, but my husband sweetly reminded me that this is our life and that it’s okay, it’s just something we have to live with.

One day at a time friends, hang in there and give yourself grace when you can’t do everything you hope!

Keep Fighting,

Dawn Harris